Parcel Complaints Journeys

Many of us have to engage with the parcel delivery market. We receive online shopping parcels because items aren’t physically available where we live, or to be able to get the best deal.

In most cases, these parcels are delivered successfully. However, a majority of online shoppers report experiencing delivery problems. We also know that when people try to resolve these problems, it's often a difficult experience.

To understand more about complaints, we interviewed 30 people who had complained about a parcel delivery in the last 3 months and have released the results in a digital storybook.

We heard that parcels complaints processes were confusing and often required considerable effort to navigate. As a result, people often face uncertainty for long periods and spend unexpected time trying to resolve their problem. Some people couldn’t access the compensation they were entitled to or had to take time off work to fix the issue, resulting in lost earnings.

We’ll use these findings to work with industry and other consumer bodies to improve complaints processes and ensure that people can easily resolve problems with parcel deliveries.


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