Heat Networks Investment Project - Citizens Advice consultation response

Citizens Advice welcomes the overall intent of the Heat Networks Investment Project and in particular the aim to influence the types of networks built ensuring the meet the needs of local communities. Developing heat networks that can provide heat efficiently and help customers control their usage is vitally important to minimising costs passed on through bills. The emphasis on new innovative technologies that include clear benefits for consumers is also welcomed but it is important that these are accessible and user-friendly for all consumers so the benefits can be realised.

We are pleased to note the Government’s view that the heat industry itself needs to do its part to drive down costs. This is an area we are particularly concerned about and are keen to see much more progress on before heat networks become mainstream. We agree that heat customers should suffer no detriment in comparison to the alternative and would urge both Government and Industry to develop robust methodology and monitoring systems to deliver this.

Heat networks are long-term commitments that have impacts beyond those developing and investing in them, and includes those consumers connected to them via long-term contracts. It is therefore critical that the needs of consumers are properly considered; now and in the future. Our response can be found here 261 KB


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