Flexible and responsive energy retail markets

Flexible and responsive energy retail markets 338 KB

Citizens Advice welcomes the opportunity to respond to the joint BEIS and Ofgem consultation on Flexible And Responsive Energy Retail Markets. 

As recognised by the review, we are quickly moving towards a smarter, more decentralised energy future. As many people as possible must be able to benefit by being able to access the new ways of buying energy that are already emerging.

Decarbonisation, and particularly the recent adoption of a net zero emissions target, has added fresh impetus to ensuring the energy retail market functions for all consumers. Attractive retail propositions that inspire consumer confidence will be vital to enabling take up of electric vehicles, low-carbon heating and efficiency measures by households.

There is a real risk that those that struggle to engage with the future retail energy market will face paying a disproportionately high burden of decarbonisation costs. Without a retail market that works for everyone - with smart consumer protections at its heart - it won’t be possible to have a just low-carbon transition.


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