Citizens Advice response to the statutory consultation on proposed modifications to the Electricity Distribution Licence related to (a) licence applications from affiliates of existing distribution licensees and (b) competitive deployment of storage.

Citizens Advice response to the statutory consultation on proposed modifications to the Electricity Distribution Licence related to (a) licence applications from affiliates of existing distribution licensees and (b) competitive deployment of storage. 254 KB

Citizens Advice welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation as part of its statutory role to represent domestic and small business energy consumers in Great Britain.

With the continued growth of Independent networks, it is essential that the consumer voice is represented in the development of the frameworks governing their operation going forward. We are generally supportive of the introduction of competition in the energy networks market, through Independent networks. This should ideally result in improved outcomes for energy consumers on cost and customer service outcomes. 

However, given the limited evidence base to date on whether competition has been effective for domestic energy consumers, we believe that any changes associated with the introduction of AIDNOs should still be considered with a view to assessing the quality of consumer outcomes, as well as ensuring effective procedural and monitoring measures to prevent the distortion of competition in the sector, as outlined through this consultation.

We agree with the proposed modifications to the electricity distribution licence related to AIDNOs which appears to sufficiently address the aims and requirements but caveat this with the need for sufficient resourcing to ensure sufficient oversight of these modifications.


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