Best practice guide: A guide on engaging local communities in the development of Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs)

Best practice guide: A guide on engaging local communities in the development of Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs) 2.48 MB

Reaching Net Zero by 2050 will require location-specific and cost effective solutions that make sure no one is left behind. These include setting up Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs) to map out the transition at a local level. 

Our recent research found that people strongly believe local communities should have a say in how their local areas transition to net zero, because of the impact it could have on their lives. It’s clear that the engagement and buy-in of local people will be essential to the success of any LAEP - and therefore the success of meeting our national net zero targets.

This best practice guide is designed as a useful toolkit for local authorities and other relevant stakeholders who are interested in developing LAEPs in collaboration with the local community.


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