Your debt management plan provider has closed

This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales

Debt management plan providers sometimes go bust or have their licence taken away by the Financial Conduct Authority. If this happens to your provider, this won’t cancel your debts, so you’ll need to:

  • make a new plan for paying off your debts

  • try to get back any money the provider owes you

You can also contact your nearest Citizens Advice to get more detailed help.  

Making a new plan for your debts

First, cancel any direct debit or standing orders to your debt management plan provider. These might have been cancelled automatically, but it’s worth checking. Your provider will have stopped making payments to your creditors. Contact everyone you owe money to and tell them your debt management plan provider has closed. Ask them for some time to sort out your finances - many creditors will give you at least a month without having to pay them anything.

You can also get free advice from National Debtline, StepChange or PayPlan. They can set up a free debt management plan for you, handling payments and negotiating with the people you owe money to. 

Don’t accept straight away if a provider contacts you directly

Your old provider might have given your details to another provider that wants to gain your business. You don’t have to sign up with them, and they are likely to charge you fees if you accept their offer.

If you want to choose another debt management plan provider you might be better off finding one that won’t charge you fees.

Contact your nearest Citizens Advice if you’re not sure about an agreement you’ve been offered.  

Watch out for other companies, such as lawyers, contacting you. Don’t deal with anyone who says they will get your debt written off in exchange for a fee: this isn’t allowed, and you should complain.

Getting back money your provider owes you

Unfortunately, if your provider has been holding some of your money, you might not be able to get it all back.

If your provider is bankrupt, outside managers called administrators will handle its money while it closes down. You need to make sure the administrators know that the provider owes you money. Even if they can’t pay you back completely you might get part of what you’re owed.

Your provider might have the details of its administrators on its website. If you can’t find them, call the Financial Conduct Authority’s consumer helpline on 0800 111 6768. They can tell you who the administrators are.