Work out your budget
This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales
Use a budget planner tool to help you understand:
what you’re earning and spending
where you might be able to cut costs
You should immediately contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau if you've received court papers, are facing eviction or are expecting sheriff officers.
You can use the free budget planner on the MoneyHelper website.
If you get benefits that are not listed, you can add them to the planner under ‘other income’ or ‘your additional items’.
Before you start
The planner will be most useful if you give accurate figures. You can use rough figures if you just want a general idea of your budget.
Try to find your most recent:
bank statements
debit and credit card statements or bills
receipts for things you usually pay for in cash
Make sure you include all your expenses, for example money you spend on your partner or family.