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Citizens Advice Scotland
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Debt and money
Law and courts
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Testing heading levels in location specific content
Your energy supply
Holidays and transport
Travelling in Europe
Claim compensation if your flight's delayed or cancelled
Cancelling a package holiday
Claim compensation for a holiday
Get airline compensation for lost or delayed luggage
Getting a refund for a cancelled or delayed train
How to make a complaint about a bus service in Scotland
Help with travel costs if you're older or disabled
Help with travel costs for younger people
Buying or repairing a car
Buying a used car
Problem with a used car
Problem with a car repair
If the car you bought is still on hire purchase
Getting help from a motor trade association
Find an approved garage
Check if something might be a scam
Check if you can get your money back after a scam
What to do if you've been scammed
Report a scam
Get emotional support if you’ve been scammed
Common scams
Something's gone wrong with a purchase
If you want a refund for travel because of coronavirus
Return faulty goods
Claim using a warranty or guarantee
If a company stops trading or goes out of business
If something is advertised at the wrong price
Report fake or counterfeit goods
If something you ordered hasn't arrived
If your clothes have been lost or damaged by a dry cleaner
Claim compensation if an item or product causes damage
Getting your money back if you paid by card or PayPal
If you're unhappy about poor service
Unhygienic and unclean premises
Food and drink organisations
Lost, found and uncollected goods
Stolen goods
Insurance claims
Problems with insurance policies
Types of insurance
Cancelling an insurance policy
Getting a water supply
Paying for water and sewerage in Scotland
Arrears of water and sewerage charges
Problems with public water quality and supply
How to appeal if Scottish Water refuses to connect you
Private water supply registration and quality of supply
Water meters
Water leaks and pipes
Public sewerage
Septic tanks
Complaints about water and sewerage services
Phone, internet or TV
Check how to switch your internet, phone or TV provider
If you’re struggling to pay your phone, internet or TV bill
Cancelling a phone, TV, internet or mobile contract
Dispute a mobile, phone, internet or TV bill
Problem with an app, software or download
Stop getting nuisance calls and texts
What to do if your mobile phone is lost or stolen
Complain about a premium rate phone charge or text message
Check how much a call will cost
Home improvements
Problem with building work, decorating or home improvements
Cancelling building or decorating work
Before you get building work done
You've changed your mind
Changing your mind about something you've bought
Cancelling a gym membership
Cancelling a service you’ve arranged
If you were misled or pressured into buying something you didn’t want
Cancel something you bought on hire purchase
Stop getting junk mail
Check post collection and delivery times
If your post has been damaged, lost or delayed by Royal Mail
Claiming compensation from Royal Mail
If you’re not happy with Royal Mail’s decision about compensation
Get more help
Solve an ongoing consumer problem with a business seller
Reporting to Trading Standards
If you need more help in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man
Find a trader and check you can trust them
Template letters
Consumer template letters
Event tickets
Buying event tickets safely online
Complaining about an event
Getting a refund on an event ticket
Illegal ticketing websites
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Test page with link
Vets and pets
Complaining about a vet
Pet gets ill or dies after buying
Buying a pet
Looking after pets
Discrimination in the provision of goods and services
Discrimination in the provision of goods and services