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Citizens Advice Scotland
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Debt and money
Law and courts
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Sick or disabled people and carers
Personal Independence Payment
Personal Independence Payment
Before you claim PIP
How much PIP you can get and for how long
Extra money and help PIP entitles you to
Getting PIP after you’ve reached State Pension age
Help with your PIP claim
How to claim PIP
Preparing for your PIP assessment
How the DWP makes a decision on PIP claims
PIP changes and reviews
Reporting changes that affect your PIP
Help with your PIP review form
If your PIP is stopped or reduced
If you struggle to get around and you got PIP before 28 June 2018
PIP appeals
Challenging a PIP decision - mandatory reconsideration
Challenging a PIP decision - appealing against the decision
Challenging a PIP decision - the tribunal hearing
PIP resources
Letter to confirm the DWP has given you more time to send your PIP claim form
Letter to send evidence after your PIP claim form