Contact an adviser in Scotland
If you haven’t already, you can check our online advice first - it’s the fastest way to get help.
If you’ve checked our online advice and need to speak to an adviser, you can contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or one of our specialist advice services.
How to contact your local bureau
Your local bureau can usually only give advice if you live or work in their area - they might give advice by phone, email or in-person appointments.
You should check if your local bureau has drop-in times or if you need to book an appointment.
Find your local Citizens Advice Bureau
You can enter your postcode to find contact details and opening times for your nearest bureau on the Citizens Advice Scotland website.
Call your local Citizens Advice Bureau
If you’re in Scotland, you can call our free phone line to speak to your local bureau.
Telephone: 0800 028 1456
You’ll need to say the first part of your postcode and you’ll be transferred to your local bureau’s phone line.
Before you get advice
Check what information you should have with you when you get advice.
Tell the bureau about any language or access requirements and they'll do their best to accommodate them.
Get advice in British Sign Language
You can make a British Sign Language (BSL) call to an adviser using the Contact Scotland website or app. This is a free video relay interpreting service on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
Check more information about the Video Relay Interpreting Service on the Contact Scotland BSL website.
You can also use our British Sign Language service to help you apply for Universal Credit.
Check if you can get specialist advice
Citizens Advice Scotland supports advice on some specialist topics, like applying for Universal Credit or help with a defined contributions pension.
Check if one of our advice services can help with your problem.
If you need money advice
If you’re struggling to make your money last or are worried about how you’ll pay your bills, you can get advice from the Money Talk Team.
The adviser will check if you:
are maximising your income
could reduce your monthly expenses
You can find more information about how to get advice on the Money Talk Team website.
Money Talk Team is part of the Citizens Advice network in Scotland.
If you’re applying for Universal Credit
If you're applying for Universal Credit for the first time or need help with your first payment, you can get help from an adviser.
If you want to speak to an adviser, you can:
call our Help to Claim helpline on 0800 023 2581, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
contact us by webchat on the Citizens Advice Scotland website.
Find out more about help to claim Universal Credit.
You can also use our British Sign Language service to help you apply for Universal Credit.
If you need help with defined contribution pensions
You can get advice from Pension Wise by phone or in person if you:
are aged 50 or over
have a defined contribution pension - more about defined contribution pensions on the MoneyHelper website.
It's a free and impartial government service about the different ways you can take money from your pension.
You can book a free appointment:
online - book a Pension Wise appointment on the MoneyHelper website
by phone - call 0800 138 3944. If you’re outside the UK you can call +44 20 3733 3495
You can also read our online advice on pensions, including the state pension.
If you have an NHS complaint in Scotland
You can contact the Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) for advice and support.
Telephone: 0800 917 2127, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
PASS is delivered by the Citizens Advice network in Scotland.
If you’re moving to Scotland
Scotland's Migration Service gives information and advice to help people move to and settle in Scotland. Find advice on Scotland's Migration Service website.
If you need more support, you can book an online or phone appointment with an adviser from a Citizens Advice Bureau. Find out how to book an appointment on Scotland's Migration Service website.
Other organisations that give advice
These are some of the other organisation that give advice:
consumer issues - Which? and Advice Direct Scotland
debt and money - National Debtline, StepChange, Money Helper
employment - ACAS, unions and trade associations
health - NHS inform
housing - Shelter Scotland
rights in Scotland -
rights in the UK - GOV.UK
families and children - Children 1st and Parentline Scotland, One Parent Family Scotland
relationships - Relationships Scotland, Scottish Mediation