Historic star rating data

Historic star rating data

As the statutory advocate for energy consumers, Citizens Advice publishes a quarterly rating of all energy suppliers with over 25,000 customers. We compare suppliers across three different categories (complaints, contact waiting time and customer commitments). The charts below explore suppliers’ performance on these metrics going back to 2017. You can also click here to navigate the charts in a dashboard format.

For more information on how the scores are worked out, click here.

Overall star rating data

This graph shows the overall star rating of all suppliers going back to Q4 2017. Use the timeline at the bottom of the graph to select different quarters.

You can download our data for ‘Overall star rating timeline’ as a CSV file.

Use this graph to see individual suppliers' overall star rating score from Q1 2017.

You can download our data for ‘Overall star rating line graph’ as a CSV file.

This graph shows the highest and lowest ranking scores over time, from Q4 2017 to Q1 2024.

You can download our data for ‘Highest + lowest ranking’ as a CSV file.

Contact ease

This graph shows the contact ease star rating from Q3 2020 onwards. The contact ease rating is made up of call wait time, and email response time data. For suppliers where social media interactions make up more than 5% of contacts, social media data is also included. It makes up 55% of the overall star rating.

You can download our data for ‘Contact ease rating’ as a CSV file.

This graph shows the average call wait time for current suppliers only going back to Q1 2017.

You can download our data for ‘Call wait time’ as a CSV file.

This graph shows the percentage of emails responded to within 2 working days for each supplier.

You can download our data for ‘Email response rate’ as a CSV file.


This graph shows the weighted complaints score for suppliers, shown per 10,000 customers. This data comes from the Energy Ombudsman, Citizens Advice Consumer Service and the Extra Help Unit.

You can download our data for ‘Complaints ratio’ as a CSV file.

Latest data

This bar chart shows the latest star rating for each supplier (Q1 2024). Use the drop down to move between the overall star rating and specific metrics. The number in brackets is the overall ranking for the most recent quarter.

You can download our data for ‘Latest data’ as a CSV file.


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