Decision on changes to the energy supplier rating

Energy supplier​ ​rating review 508 KB

Citizens Advice first published the energy supplier rating in 2016. It allows consumers to make informed switching decisions and provides accessible information about energy supplier performance. It is published on our website and integrated into the results page of our price comparison website.

Earlier this year we began a review of the rating design. We used workshops with suppliers and other interested stakeholders to identify ways that we could improve the rating, including increasing the number of suppliers in the rating, and changing the data used to score some areas of performance.

We then published a consultation on our detailed proposals for changes. We issued a request for information (RFI) to all suppliers with more than 50,000 customer accounts, to gather the data we would need for these proposed changes. This allowed us to assess how viable our proposed metrics were, by understanding the range of performance levels and robustness of the data. We have now made some decisions on the next steps for the project, based on the the responses to this consultation and the data from the RFI. Responses to the consultation have been published alongside this decision (available here) 9.96 MB .

The key decisions we have made are:

  • to reduce the threshold for automatic inclusion to 50,000 customer accounts and introduce a route for voluntary inclusion for smaller suppliers

  • to score billing performance according to both bill accuracy and timeliness of bills and annual statements

  • to score customer service according to telephone waiting times, and keep alternative contact methods under review

  • to retain the current methodology for complaints data

  • to allow white labels to be scored separately to their parent supplier for some metrics, on a case-by-case basis

We are also proposing three new changes to the rating, based on consultation responses:

  • to include further voluntary industry schemes, and adjust the weighting to accommodate this change

  • to include information on fuel mix in the rating tool on our website (but not score it in the rating itself)

  • to adjust the way that the switching metric is calculated

We are now seeking feedback on these new proposals by 30th November 2017. This should be sent to


Please fill in our survey to give your feedback on our policy pages. Your responses will help us continue to improve how we present policy research and data on our website.