Address Unknown: How Welsh Government can make post accessible for everyone
Address Unknown: How Welsh Government can make post accessible for everyone 2.44 MB
Our research has shown that since 2010, 1 in 10 people in Wales have been unable to receive their own post for some amount of time. This is either because they don’t have an address, they’re moving around frequently or someone is intercepting their post.
This problem disproportionately affects marginalised people. Homeless people, survivors of domestic abuse, Gypsies and Travellers, and people living in precarious housing such as boats are far more likely to face these problems. Missing letters causes people significant harm. This includes missing out on health care services, benefits, housing and employment opportunities, as well as financial losses and debt.
We're calling for the a pilot ‘Address & Collect’ service, provided at post offices, to ensure people have a secure address to use and a safe place to pick up their post.
Access to post will be essential for many people to recover from the financial shock of the coronavirus pandemic. The Welsh Government can champion the need for equal access to post, by securing funding for a pilot of an ‘Address & Collect’ service to help people to get back on their feet as quickly as possible.
Cyfeiriad anhysbys: Sut gall Llywodraeth Cymru wneud gwasanaethau post yn hygyrch i bawb 708 KB
Mae ein hymchwil wedi dangos, ers 2010, nad yw 1 o bob 10 o bobl yng Nghymru wedi gallu derbyn eu swydd eu hunain am gryn amser. Mae hyn naill ai oherwydd nad oes ganddyn nhw gyfeiriad, maen nhw'n symud o gwmpas yn aml neu mae rhywun yn rhyng-gipio eu post.
Mae'r broblem hon yn effeithio'n anghymesur ar bobl ar yr ymylon. Mae pobl ddigartref, goroeswyr cam-drin domestig, Sipsiwn a Theithwyr, a phobl sy'n byw mewn tai ansicr fel cychod yn llawer mwy tebygol o wynebu'r problemau hyn. Mae llythyrau coll yn achosi niwed sylweddol i bobl. Mae hyn yn cynnwys colli allan ar wasanaethau gofal iechyd, budd-daliadau, tai a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth, yn ogystal â cholledion ariannol a dyled.
Rydym yn galw am y gwasanaeth peilot ‘Cyfeiriad a Chasglu’, a ddarperir mewn swyddfeydd post, i sicrhau bod gan bobl gyfeiriad diogel i’w ddefnyddio a lle diogel i godi eu swydd.
Bydd mynediad i'r swydd yn hanfodol i lawer o bobl wella ar ôl sioc ariannol y pandemig coronafirws. Gall Llywodraeth Cymru hyrwyddo’r angen am fynediad cyfartal i swydd, trwy sicrhau cyllid ar gyfer peilot o wasanaeth ‘Cyfeiriad a Chasglu’ i helpu pobl i fynd yn ôl ar eu traed cyn gynted â phosibl.