Accessing and paying for social care in Wales

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This report 1.02 MB examines the system of accessing and paying for social care in Wales. It is based on research commissioned by Citizens Advice Cymru carried out by IFF Research and Beaufort Research. It includes data from the local Citizens Advice network across Wales and the Better Advice, Better Lives service, which provides advice to people in primary care settings across Wales, the project is Welsh Government funded run by Citizens Advice Cymru.


Mae’r adroddiad 1020 KB hwn yn pwyso a mesur y system ar gyfer cael gafael ar ofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru a thalu amdano. Mae wedi’i seilio ar ymchwil a gomisiynwyd gan Cyngor ar Bopeth Cymru a gynhaliwyd gan IFF Research a Beaufort Research. Mae’n cynnwys data gan y rhwydwaith Cyngor ar Bopeth lleol ledled Cymru a’r gwasanaeth Cyngor Da, Byw’n Well, sy’n darparu cyngor i bobl mewn lleoliadau gofal sylfaenol ledled Cymru, ac mae’r prosiect yn cael ei gyllido gan Lywodraeth Cymru a’i gynnal gan Cyngor ar Bopeth Cymru.


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