Rydym yn defnyddio cwcis i wella eich profiad o'n gwefan.
Gallwch ddarganfod mwy neu ddileu allan o rai cwcis
- mae'r polisïau hyn ar gael yn Saesneg.
Neidio i’r llywio
Neidio i’r prif gynnwys
Neidio i’r troedyn
Dyled ac arian
Gyfraith a Llysoedd
Amdanom ni
Link tests
Applying to the EU Settlement Scheme
Check if you can get pre-settled status or settled status
Check if your family members can get pre-settled status or settled status
Preparing to apply for pre-settled and settled status
Applying for pre-settled and settled status
Updating and proving your pre-settled or settled status
Switching from pre-settled to settled status
Problems with your settled status decision
Getting visas for family members
Bringing family members from Ukraine to the UK
Cael fisa ar gyfer eich partner i fyw yn y DU
Getting a visa for your adult family member to join you in the UK
Staying in the UK as the parent of a child who lives here
Extending your family visa
Getting a permanent right to live in the UK if you have a family visa
Check if your child can get a permanent right to live in the UK
Applying for family visas or indefinite leave
Getting a visitor visa
Cael fisa i deulu a ffrindiau allu ymweld â’r DU
Getting British citizenship
Becoming a British citizen
Getting British citizenship for children
Deciding if citizenship is right for you
Applying for British citizenship
Benefits, services and your immigration status
Ydych chi’n ddarostyngedig i reolau mewnfudo?
Problems with a visa
If you're from Ukraine and your visa is ending
Os oes oedi gyda’ch cais am fisa
Os ydych chi wedi aros yn hirach na chyfnod eich fisa neu ganiatâd
Aros yn y DU ar fisa ar ôl ysgariad
Asylum and refugees
Ar ôl i chi gael statws ffoadur
Paratoi am gyfweliad lloches
Offering to let someone from Ukraine stay with you
Rhoi gwybod am fasnachu pobl
Beth i’w wneud os ydych chi wedi cael eich masnachu
Deportation and living in the UK illegally
Eich opsiynau os ydych chi yn y DU yn anghyfreithlon
Os yw’ch plentyn yn byw yn y DU yn anghyfreithlon
Os ydych chi’n mynd i gael eich allgludo o’r DU
Windrush scheme
Proving your right to live in the UK with the Windrush scheme
Get help
Cael cyngor mewnfudo
Suzanne test index
Find out how many debts you have
How to become bankrupt
Find out how many debts you have