Debt Adviser

Gwneud cais cyn 11.59yh ar 19 Ionawr 2025.

Crynodeb o'r swydd

Ashfield Health and Wellbeing Center, Portland Street, Kirby in Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7AE
Yn y swyddfa
Oriau gwaith

Sut i wneud cais

Gallwch gysylltu am ragor o wybodaeth a sut i wneud cais.

Cynhelir cyfweliadau ar 23 Ionawr 2025.

Am y rôl

Would you like to work for a local Charity and make a real difference to people's lives everyday? Then come and join our money advice team. We are embedded in Communities across Ashfield, Broxtowe and Newark & Sherwood. This is a rare opportunity to become a debt adviser within our recently merged organisation. You will be based at our Ashfield Office with travel across our districts.

We are looking for a debt adviser or trainee debt adviser to join our dedicated specialist team, providing comprehensive, confidential and flexible debt advice to the people of Central Nottinghamshire.

You will be a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual, with the ability to listen, advise and work with people empathetically, demonstrating a commitment and passion for helping them overcome their financial issues.

You will be results-driven, have strong numerical and financial skills, significant experience of using a computer based recording and monitoring system, the ability to manage your own workload and to work to targets in a pressurised environment.

Ideally you will have recent and substantial experience of providing debt advice in an organisation where commitment to quality standards is paramount.

If you currently do not have any qualifications in debt advice and are interested in the trainee position please email us for more information at

Rydym yn Hyderus o ran Anabledd

Mae Hyderus o ran Anabledd yn gynllun gan y llywodraeth sy'n cefnogi cyflogwyr i wella'r ffordd y maent yn recriwtio, cadw a datblygu pobl anabl.