Head of Money Advice

Gwneud cais cyn 4yh ar 29 Ionawr 2025.

Crynodeb o'r swydd

Citizens Advice Warrington
Yn y swyddfa
Oriau gwaith

Sut i wneud cais

Gallwch e-bostio janet.henshaw@cawarrington.org.uk i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y rôl a sut i wneud cais.

Cynhelir cyfweliadau ar 26 Chwefror 2025.

Am y rôl

Advert Head of Money Advice Services

Salary: £31,500 pro rata

Hours: 16.5 hours per week

Are you an experienced Money Advice / Debt Supervisor, wanting to take the next step?

Citizens Advice Warrington is a thriving, professional and high quality service. We have a great team of volunteers and paid staff who advise a wide variety of individuals, and are always striving to meet client demand.

We are looking for someone to fill this new post to manage our small but effective Money Advice Service as Head of Money Advice, ensuring a high quality multichannel service providing advice on a full range of debt issues.

You would be ensuring that performance and compliance meets contractual requirements for the contract. Your role will comprise of; planning and allocating work; monitoring quality and performance of experienced staff and casework volunteers; supporting and motivating the team; encouraging good teamwork and open lines of communication. A small amount of casework is also required.

If you are then we would love to hear from you.

For more information about how to apply please contact janet.henshaw@cawarrington.org.uk