Macmillan Welfare Benefits Caseworker

Gwneud cais cyn hanner dydd ar 07 Chwefror 2025.

Crynodeb o'r swydd

Birmingham and Solihull
Gweithio hybrid
Oriau gwaith

Sut i wneud cais

Gallwch e-bostio i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y rôl a sut i wneud cais.

Cynhelir cyfweliadau ar 17 Chwefror 2025.

Am y rôl

Citizens Advice Birmingham is partnered with Macmillan Cancer Support to deliver Welfare Benefit Advice across Birmingham and Solihull

We are looking for enthusiastic caseworkers who will join an existing team to ensure delivery of service specifications, targets and quality standards for the Macmillan Service.

The Welfare Benefit caseworker will provide a high quality advice service for people affected by cancer.

The post holder will provide this service in outreach settings across Birmingham and Solihull. Delivery will be integrated within cancer care teams, to provide seamless referral pathways that complement the assessment and care planning process of patients.

You will undertake casework, assisting clients to access their entitlement to welfare benefits and other sources of financial help, up to and including tribunal representation. The post holder will also attend events to promote the service and provide support and training to volunteers and health care professionals.

For a job pack contact us at

CV’s not accepted

Previous applicants need not apply

Rydym yn Hyderus o ran Anabledd

Mae Hyderus o ran Anabledd yn gynllun gan y llywodraeth sy'n cefnogi cyflogwyr i wella'r ffordd y maent yn recriwtio, cadw a datblygu pobl anabl.